i love it when God has nature scream at me.
today i was looking at some bean pods i’ve been ignoring. i had picked them out of the tiny garden just after the last hard frost. i simply put them in a container, without a lid, for them to finish drying out. They have been on the kitchen counter ever since.
so today i shelled a few and let the bean seeds fall back into the container. There they will remain until spring.
Long time coming from today. I try not to get spring fever this time of year. Though there are some plantings that need to be attended to this time of year if you want growth to happen next year. Things like tulips, daffodils, etc.
I just don’t get too wrapped up in gardening this time of year. Mostly because other things vie for my attention.
But as i was shelling those few bean pods. i got the sense of something being revealed to me about them. And then one word hits me. Potential. And then the thought of all of the potential on little bean contains. Yes, next years crop, if we are thinking physical realm. But my Lord was showing me the spiritual aspect.
Yes, this bean seee has potential but it has to wait. Wait
for warmer temperatures,
for warmer ground,
for warmer rain,
for the correct amount of light
just to name a few things.
Also the correct care of a gardener to place it in the correct soil at the correct time.
blowing your mind? it is mine.
I am realizing their potential is dependent. Yes they have extreme potential but they need attending to. The attending of someone who cares enough to put them in the right conditions. The right place, at the right time.
i can’t even pretend to grasp all the implications.
All i know is that I need The Master Gardener, The Creator Of All to help me plant any seeds I may have. to guide me, to teach me, to help me. To help me wait for those seeds to sprout. To help me care for those sprouts I may be responsible for. And for Him to continue to show me the potential of a seed.
Most Holy Lord, Please help. Amen
“Faith of a Little Seed” Big Tent Revival