Beverly House

Beverly House.
As you know, from a previous post, I have a tiny garden. I start preparing for this year’s planting plan early. In January I purchased a tiny greenhouse for my tiny garden. I started planting seeds for my garden in February. My kitchen was the birth place for all the little sprouts. On a shelf under a grow light were eight plastic pans with ten to twelve little pots in each. (I re-purposed To Go containers and coffee pods) I planted a few varieties of tomatoes at first. Later came cucumbers and squash. Then some Cosmos and Hollyhocks. I have had some success.

After the winter finally decided to loosen it’s grip and the hard pack snow melted away, my husband put up the tiny greenhouse for me.
I didn’t realise using a greenhouse would be such a challenge. One needs to be mindful about temperatures and humidity and probably things I haven’t even experienced yet. However I have loved it.
After the tiny greenhouse was up and a tiny heater/fan in place I started moving some of the more established seedlings in. It was late March and Early April. Normal planting season isn’t until mid May in this area, so I was feeling well ahead of that. And hopeful.

As the seedlings got moved out to the greenhouse the vacancy under the grow light got filled with more seeds. I am hoping to be able to ground plant or rather transplant the plants in the greenhouse in a timely fashion to garden. ( last frost is usually May 10th-ish or after all the snow is off a local mountain. the local I’m timers would say and it has proved true ) Then I will move the last of the kitchen seedling in that vacancy.
That’s the plan. The experimental experience for this year’s garden. And since my garden’s name is Beverly I call the tiny greenhouse Beverly House. Haha! why not! Looking forward to watching things grow.

By Bianchi

Follower of Jesus. Wife, Mom, Gma, Fire extinguisher or starter, Head pancrease, Time keeper,