Mr. E’s Mysteries

This is our husky. He is almost a year old. He has exuberance to spare. And mostly two modes. Full power or shut down. However, even in his shut down mode he is alert and a split second from full power. Even his shadow tells the tale.

He has earned several nick names one being Clown Show, another Court Jester. He often gets an attitude that reminds me of some of the high bred Arabian horses. He prances around and shakes his head when I call sometimes as if to say “not me, not now, not this wilder.” Then in the next moment he becomes an apologetic snuggle bug.

Awe and Ahhh. Mr. E ‘s Mysteries

By Bianchi

Follower of Jesus. Wife, Mom, Gma, Fire extinguisher or starter, Head pancrease, Time keeper,