

In the spring, when we see new growth on our latch trees, we call it finking.. I am not quite sure where we picked up that reference but, we have used it for decades. Maybe it came from a term we used as kids. When you told on someone for doing something you were known… Continue reading Finking

Fake Spring

Another time. But, same car, same type of run.

I have enjoyed the passed few days. The sun has been shining. The clouds have been few. The temperatures have been mild for February. The roads have been clear. (One still needs to watch out for icy spots at night and early mornings when the temperature is at or below freezing, and even above freezing… Continue reading Fake Spring

Categorized as Driving

The Snow Eater

Well in one week we have gone from single diget temperatures to above freezing. Currently 37 and windy. Not to forget Rain all night. When I was a kid the old timers called this a Chinook. Now that I am an Old Timer I remember many years of massive snow events and then Chinooks. Years… Continue reading The Snow Eater


I haven’t celebrated Epiphany. Ever. That I can remember anyway. There are several Christian denominations that do. I guess I have never been a member of any of them at this time of year. I think some Lutheran’s may celebrate Epiphany and I was raised by parents that attended a Lutheran congregation but I don’t… Continue reading Epiphany

It Looks Like Snow

Running the Landing Road

It’s cold enough. The clouds look heavy. My heart longs for my team. They would be sniffing the air. Following me in the yard as I prepped the rig. Playing chasing games in anticipation. The first flakes would send them into fits of barking. And Tundra howling. Can you see them in the clouds? Can… Continue reading It Looks Like Snow